My name, as you might have already intuited, is Tommy Hegarty. I am a DevOps engineer at MarginEdge, sometime theater maker, casual writer, and aspiring historian. You can find here some examples of my work and details about my ongoing education. I am currently located in Staunton, Virginia, where I spend my time reading, writing, and talking to my wife and our two cats (usually to the former about the latter).
A list of my completed and ongoing personal projects can be found here. Some of what I have done is hosted on my GitHub, which is linked on some of the cards attached.
Networks of the English Reformation
A rough-drafted project to study the letters of Thomas Cranmer and other English reformers to map a network of contacts among early Anglicanism. This currently consists of collecting what digitized records exist and creating a single dataset to analyze.
A rough-drafted project to study the letters of Thomas Cranmer and other English reformers to map a network of contacts among early Anglicanism. This currently consists of collecting what digitized records exist and creating a single dataset to analyze.
This website!
A project for myself over the 2024 holiday break, while recovering from illness. A little HTML and CSS learning-while-doing, a toe dipped in the JavaScript waters, GitHub pages, CloudFront, etc., and voila! This website was made.
A project for myself over the 2024 holiday break, while recovering from illness. A little HTML and CSS learning-while-doing, a toe dipped in the JavaScript waters, GitHub pages, CloudFront, etc., and voila! This website was made.
An in-progress discord bot, hosted on AWS infrastructure, that maintains games of Diplomacy by receiving commands, and evaluates gamestates. Currently not functional -- it's undergone a number of overhauls! I come back to it whenever I find the time.
An in-progress discord bot, hosted on AWS infrastructure, that maintains games of Diplomacy by receiving commands, and evaluates gamestates. Currently not functional -- it's undergone a number of overhauls! I come back to it whenever I find the time.
Iago as Intelligent Fool
A project completed in 2017 as an undergrad at UMD, to use NLP tools to analyze Iago's speech patterns in Othello, comparing him to Shakespeare's other famous fools and villains.
A project completed in 2017 as an undergrad at UMD, to use NLP tools to analyze Iago's speech patterns in Othello, comparing him to Shakespeare's other famous fools and villains.
I completed my undergraduate degrees at the University of Maryland, College Park, but have since continued my career as a student while working full-time as a DevOps Engineer. A list of past and present pursuits is below.
Unversity of Maryland, College Park
B.S., Computer Science
B.A., Government and Politics
Minor, Chinese
Georgia Institute of Technology
OMSCS, Computer Science
Specialization: Machine Learning
Mary Baldwin University
REN-502: Tudor Stuart History
taken as a Non-Degree Seeking Graduate
I was fortunate enough to discover a passion for theater when at the University of Maryland. Below you can find an incomplete list of some of my favorite roles on and off stage.
Romeo | Romeo & Juliet, Maryland Shakespeare Players |
Macbeth | Macbeth, Maryland Shakespeare Players |
Director | Twelfth Night, Maryland Shakespeare Players |
Jim Baxter | Perfect Arrangement, The Old Opera House |
Aimwell | The Beaux Strategem, The Rude Mechanicals |
Dramaturg | As You Like It, Mary Baldwin University Shakespeare & Performance |
Stage Manager, ongoing | Anima (or Her Soul), Mary Baldwin University Shakespeare & Performance |